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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

Halifax Shines on the Global Stage: The Success of SailGP

Halifax hosted its first-ever Sail Grand Prix (SailGP), dubbed the "Formula 1 on the water," bringing high-speed competition and thousands of visitors to our waterfront. Local organizations and sailing clubs formed "Hype Crews" to promote the event and engage the community. The week also featured the unveiling of a new mural on Quinpool Road, highlighting ocean conservation. As proud members of the Quinpool Road community, Charcoal Marketing is thrilled to see Halifax shine on the global stage.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

Happy Birthday to you, and us.

Gmail celebrated its 20th year birthday on April 1, 2024. Yay!

Do you remember when you had to be invited to get a Gmail address? It was a stellar marketing idea at the time, to create the aura of a private club.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

From CES to SMBs: A Century of Tech Insights for Small Business

In our journey through CES 2024, we discovered innovations that could reshape how businesses operate and connect with customers. Let's break down the highlights and explore how these insights can be a game-changer for small-medium sized businesses.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

Nova Scotia Tourism: From Tradition to Digital Transformation

Nova Scotia, nestled in the heart of Canada's maritime region, boasts a rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. Over the years, tourism marketing has undergone a remarkable evolution, shaping the way we explore this region. The impact of tourism marketing extends beyond promotion; it's a journey of discovery that leaves an indelible mark on destinations and travellers alike.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

From Billboards to Pixels: Exploring the World of Everyday Advertising

Ever find yourself strolling down a bustling street, coffee in hand, when suddenly, a billboard grabs your attention? It might seem like a simple, everyday moment, but let me tell you, there's a captivating world of strategy and creativity behind that billboard, and it's a testament to the power of different advertising mediums.

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Mike Hayes Mike Hayes

What a week it was...

We knew heading into it, that it was going to be a busy week. The sun, the moon, and the clients had aligned to have our team heading in three very different directions.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

Marketing the Future: Exploring the Latest Technology at CES 2023

The 2023 Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas was an exciting and enlightening event for Charcoal Marketing. With the most influential tech companies showcasing their latest and greatest innovations, it was an opportunity to gather valuable insights and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving world of technology. The new advancements and solutions that were on display this year will have a significant impact on how marketers and their clients can become more competitive and successful in the future.

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Mike Hayes Mike Hayes

Six Brands That Killed It This Holiday Season

The holiday season is a time for true marketers to ‘consume media’ once again—whether it’s binge watching, catching live sports (like hockey/ football), and just getting out and about. In no particular order, here’s a few brands that caught our eyes.

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Lauren Lauren

How To Amplify Your Business With Visual Storytelling

Stock images don’t always capture the essence of your business, and it can be super time consuming to search through pages and pages of photos that you only ‘sort of’ resonate with. Building a photo bank to tell the story of your business has many benefits and can be utilized over and over again.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

Maximizing Your Small Business Potential with Fractional Marketing

As a small business owner, you know that marketing is a key part of your success. Unfortunately, the cost of marketing can be prohibitive for smaller businesses, which can make it difficult to get the most out of your efforts. That’s why fractional marketing is such a valuable asset for small businesses.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

How consumer behaviour is likely to change in 2022

You don't need to start with the premise that the consumer is a moron. You begin by believing that they are reasonably smart and can be persuaded to your point of view if given the facts, or a compelling story. Make no mistake - we are all capable of spotting hype and disbelieving it.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

A Newbie Blogger Explains How to Write a Blog

I was recently tasked with writing a blog. Many of you may remember me from the Shut Up and Blog webinar I hosted with Mike Hayes, CMO of Charcoal Marketing. That was a great opportunity for me to learn about the importance of blogging, and the key tips for writing a successful blog. So, what did I learn?

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

Five years of stoking the fire

Five years ago today, a bunch of ‘April Fools’ picked up their belongings and started a new chapter at Charcoal Marketing. It was a Monday, when Brian, Ben and Riley wandered into our new digs at Oxford & Cork (I missed the weekend move in the rain, as I was out of town at a conference, and boy did I hear about it!).

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Mike Cyr Mike Cyr

Good Signs, Bad Signs

When you work in the marketing, branding and design business, you tend to take notice of signage. Lately, due to COVID-19, there’s been an increased reliance on signs for open hours, way-finding, new rules and new services.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

How to get your business online during COVID-19

I was recently able to sit in on an interesting webinar, hosted by Family Business Association Atlantic, about getting your business online (quickly) during the Coronavirus pandemic. As you might imagine, some of the lessons learned can be transposed across different times and scenarios (not only COVID-19) and shall still offer a benefit to you and your business. Going online didn’t start with the pandemic - it simply became vital to the existence of a whole lot of businesses during it.

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Charcoal Marketing Charcoal Marketing

COVID-19: The Sequel

What a week that was! Everyday, we are reacting to the plethora of changes that COVID-19 brings in the environment, and recalibrating our business posture to meet the challenges. We’re still more than busy with work, and still coming up with new ideas every day.

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