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Top 10 Trade Show ideas (in no specific order)
A couple months ago I had the opportunity to help with event organization and marketing for KLONDIKE Lubricants, who were setting up a booth at the Atlantic Truck Show at the Moncton Coliseum. Naturally, I wanted to make sure we had the best booth there.
Why is exporting so hard?
Or more importantly, why do businesses struggle to wrap their heads around the concept of exporting, creating a perceived barrier to entry?
How To Build Successful Brands
With an exceptional team, we built market share at home, launched the brand across Canada as a ‘premium domestic’, created the annual Alexander Keith Birthday celebration event, and re-built the original Keith’s Brewery on Lower Water Street in Halifax.
How to capture online leads with inbound marketing: Charcoal inbound marketing formula—pt. 4
Charcoal’s inbound marketing formula is a four part series, breaking down the components that come together to make your website more than a glorified business listing, floating in the dead sea. In part three, we looked at the invaluable advantage an online brand will bring to your website, and the components that construct it.
How to build an online brand: Charcoal's inbound marketing formula—pt. 3
Charcoal’s inbound marketing formula is a four part series, breaking down the components that come together to make your website more than a glorified business listing, floating in the dead sea. In part two, we explored how using a modern site development, paired with Google Analytics and local hosting will optimize your website to encourage online visitors to keep returning.
How to optimize your website: Charcoal’s inbound marketing formula—pt. 2
Charcoal’s inbound marketing formula is a four part series, breaking down the components that come together to make your website more than a glorified business listing, floating in the dead sea. In part one, we dug deeper into how content distributed through your social community and digital advertising efforts will contribute when it comes to driving traffic, and value, to your website.
How to drive traffic to your website: Charcoal’s inbound marketing formula—pt. 1
To best explain what we mean by ‘fuel’ and why we believe it’s the product of inbound marketing, let's consider the idea lined up against its literal counterpart: gasoline for your vehicle. Consider having just designed your own car. It’s the product of your dreams and speaks to your taste. You weren’t afraid to invest, because it’s a statement piece that not only makes the roads accessible to you - it broadcasts your image to the drivers around you.
Google reviews mean better business
Google reviews are a fantastic thing. They empower good businesses with an opportunity to level the field when big advertising budgets dominate the market and aren’t always practical for small and medium-sized players. In short, this is because Google reviews are comparable to to recurring content and expensive marketing campaigns when it comes to value, online.
.com .ca or .pizza?
You might have noticed, that modern websites are now home to much more unique monikers than .com, .ca, or .net. Top Level Domains, or TLDs, allow companies to differentiate from their competition, add an additional layer of branding and more directly express to new and potential customers what their area of expertise is. It’s for this reason that we chose charcoal.marketing!